We greatly need and appreciate your donations. Jamil Jonna, and Len Hatfield, among other outstanding employees, and generous accounting assistance from Teodoro Reyes-Ramírez at the Center for Equity Promotion and numerous student assistants at the University of Oregon. Finally, we are thrilled to have enjoyed the technical genius of Ginny White, R. Key People: Ixtlilxchitl Related Topics: pre-Columbian civilizations Mesoamerican civilization resplendent quetzal See all related content Tlatelolco Aztec, self name Culhua-Mexica, Nahuatl-speaking people who in the 15th and early 16th centuries ruled a large empire in what is now central and southern Mexico. In all projects involving the Nahuatl language we wish to acknowledge the inspiration and guidance of James Lockhart, Frances Karttunen, and R. The "Documenting Endangered Languages Grant" underwrote not only the construction of the dictionary, but also the significant contributions of John Sullivan, Eduardo de la Cruz Cruz, Abelardo de la Cruz de la Cruz, Delfina de la Cruz de la Cruz, Victoriano de la Cruz Cruz, Sabina Cruz de la Cruz, Ofelia Cruz Morales, Catalina Cruz de la Cruz, and Manuel de la Cruz Cruz, our much esteemed colleagues from the Zacatecas Institute for Teaching and Research in Ethnology in Zacatecas, Mexico. The team associated with the Wired Humanities Projects wishes to acknowledge the generous support from the National Science Foundation and the National Endowment for the Humanities. Coanacochtzin is ancient and powerful, giving your son a sense of power and authority. (Eugene, Ore.: Wired Humanities Projects, College of Education, University of Oregon, ©2000–present). Coanacochtzin is a perfect name for a tribal leader, associated with the last tlatoani (ruler) of the Aztec city-state Texcoco before the Spanish took it over. Like you can guess from the name it adds Nahuatl names to the game.
Hope this list helps you find the name with the perfect meaning for your little one.Online Nahuatl Dictionary, Stephanie Wood, ed. See all 35 collections (some may be hidden) Subscribe to download Aztec Names Subscribe Description I made my first mod for Stellaris called Aztec Names. Zipactonal is an Aztec name meaning the harmonic light.Įven though Aztec names are unique and meaning, we understand it can often be difficult to find an Aztec name for your baby as most of what we know about the culture has been translated from Aztec codices, from different phonetic symbols and pictographs. Yolyamanitzin has one of the most wonderful meanings, “He who is considerate and just”.

It means rival and can also be spelled as Yaotel.

It means combatant, Soldier, Warrior, Defender, Fighter, or Rival. Yaotl is an extremely powerful Aztec name. Xolotl means precious twin and can be used to name if you have twins. quauhtli eagle cozcaquauhtli vulture ollin earthquake tecpatl flint quiauitl rain xochitl flower. This is another powerful name for boys, meaning the gentleman of the fire. It means the jeweled prince and is a beautiful Aztec name. Xipil is a short Aztec name meaning the Noble One, of Fire Boy. Ueman is an Aztec name meaning venerable time. 3 Unisex And Gender Neutral Aztec Cat Names.

Tupoc is an alternative for Tupack, meaning warrior. If you are facing trouble in choosing Aztec or Mayan cat names then this guide will help you find Aztec and Mayan cat names for your adorable feline friend Contents hide. This is another powerful Aztec name for boys meaning warrior. Tonauac has a wonderful meaning, the one who possesses light.